
Bar code on label 8713626234279
Pot size 17 cm
Minimum plant height including pot 42 cm
Min number of cuttings/plants per pot 1
Maturity stage 2-3
Minimum number of flowers/inflorescences per pot 10
Transport height 50 cm
Flower/berry/fruit color 1 purple
Pot colour Ton-sur-Ton
Pot material outer pot >80% Post Consumer Recyclaat (PCR)
Country of origin Netherlands
Certificates MPS ABC GlobalGap
Quality group A1
Category Celosia overig

Packing configurations

DC 813 - Verrekencode 0,41 5×4×6
DC 800 - Supply without tray 5×30×1
DC 800 - Supply without tray 4×30×1
DC 813 - Verrekencode 0,41 4×4×6
DC 746 - Floratino 6 holes 5×4×6
EP 375 - Eurobox 48cm 5×4×8


Standplaats Binnen & Buiten
Lichtbehoefte Volle zon
Wintervastheid Not suitable
Consumptie Not suitable
Temperatuur Heet
Waterbehoefte Veel water
Voedingsbehoefte Weinig voeding
Waterbehoefte Weinig water
Temperatuur Transport